Last modified: 2018-06-20
Shared Knowledge may help to improve cooperation to overpass important societal challenges in healthcare in France such as inequalities of care and also quality processes or huge costs. A key challenge is that of division, “walls”, especially between primary care and hospital sector. Healthcare Interface Organizations (HIO) may constitute an important lever as innovative areas. We first present these HIO and their specificities in relation with new socio-technical devices such as electronic health record (or DMP) or PTA (Territorial Platforms to sustain primary care activities). We compare with other tools for example Diraya in Andalusia (Spain). We analyze new intermediation jobs (patients’ pathways managers) or new ways (expert or tracing patients) to develop coproduction of services with the empowerment of patients as full actors. Finally in an information and communication perspective we propose new approaches for the development and a contributory evaluation of these HIO (improvement / evaluation) based on shared production of new data and collective knowledge between all their actors.