Last modified: 2018-06-19
Objectives: The widely accepted epistemic pluralism calls for a “multi-perspective knowledge organization” (Kaipainen & Hautamäki 2011, 509) that is able to identify and interrelate different viewpoints on the same subject matter. Therefore, indexing theory is shifting the focus from traditional subject indexing that is concerned with the more or less explicit semantic content of documents towards a kind of viewpoint indexing that seeks to reconstruct the often only implicit point of view taken by the authors (Hutchins 1975; Crowe 1986; Andersen & Christensen 2001; Biagetti 2006; Kleineberg 2013). This contribution introduces Jürgen Habermas’s (1990) methodology of hermeneutic reconstructionism to the field of knowledge organization in order to provide an analytical and comparative tool for viewpoint analysis and indexing.
Methods: Indexing theory is about the meaning of a document and involves hermeneutics as the theory or methodology of interpretation of symbolic expressions. Habermas (1979) distinguishes two modes of explication of meaning. The first mode is concerned with the surface structure, that is, the semantic content of a symbolic expression or the author’s explicit know-that. In indexing theory, this traditional form of interpretation is related to subject analysis and the aboutness of a document. The second mode, however, deals with the deep structure, that is, the author’s implicit know-how like the intuitive rule consciousness of language use or the generative structures according to which a symbolic expression has been brought forth in terms of communicative competence. In indexing theory, this kind of “depth hermeneutics” (De Mul 1997, 240) refers to the underlying mode of thinking or viewpoint of documents. According to Habermas (1979), communicative competencies are the result of learning processes following “a rationally reconstructable pattern” (Habermas 1979, 20). One of the best-known examples is presented by Lawrence Kohlberg’s cognitive-developmental stages of moral consciousness derived from a “rational reconstruction of the ontogenesis of justice reasoning” (Kohlberg, Levine & Hewer 1983, 10). It will be shown in which way this hermeneutic-reconstructive kind of viewpoint analysis has been applied by historical and cross-cultural studies.
Main results: Although there are multiple perspectives on morality, the structural development of moral consciousness seems to follow an invariant sequence of stages across cultures and sex differences (Kohlberg, Levine & Hewer 1983; Gibbs et al. 2007). This offers a non-relativistic approach to a systematic organization of different points of view by (a) reducing the diversity of moral viewpoints to variation in the contents, in contrast to the universal forms, and (b) explaining the remaining structural differences between moral perspectives as differences in the stage of development. Accordingly, viewpoint analyses using Kohlberg’s moral stages are provided for interpretive systems like religious and philosophical ethics (Apel 1988; Roetz 1993; Minnameier 2005; Hallpike 2017) as well as institutionalized norms like codified laws or binding moral representations (Radding 1978; Schluchter 1981; Oesterdiekhoff 2014).
Conclusion: In opposition to strong contextualist and relativistic approaches, hermeneutic reconstructionism offers a context-transcending comparative framework for a multi-perspective knowledge organization. Different modes of thinking are not simply considered to be equally valid but to be amenable to an evaluation of reasoning according to existing rational reconstructions like Kohlberg’s moral stages as a specification of the more general organizing principle of integrative levels of knowing (Kleineberg 2014).
Andersen, Jack, and Christensen, Frank S. (2001). Wittgenstein and indexing theory. In Proceedings of the 10th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, 1–26. DOI:10.7152/acro.v10i1.12479.Apel, Karl-Otto (1988). Diskurs und Verantwortung: Das Problem des Übergangs zur postkonventionellen Moral. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
Biagetti, Maria T. (2006). Indexing and scientific research needs. In Knowledge organization for a global learning society, edited by Budin, Gerhard; Swertz, Christian and Mitgutsch, Konstantin. Würzburg: Ergon, 241–46.
Crowe, Jan D. (1986). Study of the feasibility of indexing a work’s subjective viewpoint. Berkeley: University of California.
De Mul, Jos (1997). Structuralist and hermeneutic approaches to development. In Philosophy of development: Reconstructing the foundations of human development and education, edited by van Haaften, Wouter; Korthals, Michiel and Wren, Thomas. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer, 223–43.
Gibbs, John C. et al. (2007). Moral judgment development across cultures: Revisiting Kohlberg’s universality claims. Developmental Review 27 (4): 443–500.
Habermas, Jürgen (1979). Communication and the evolution of society. Boston: Beacon.
Habermas, Jürgen (1990). Moral consciousness and communicative action. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Hallpike, Christopher R. (2017). Ethical thought in increasingly complex societies. Social structure and moral development. Lanham: Lexington.
Hutchins, William J. (1975). Languages of indexing and classification: A linguistic study of structures and functions. Stevenage: Peregrinus.
Kaipainen, Mauri and Hautamäki, Antti (2011). Epistemic pluralism and multi-perspective knowledge organization: Explorative conceptualization of topical content domains. Knowledge Organization 38 (6): 503-514.
Kleineberg, Michael (2013). The blind men and the elephant: Towards an organization of epistemic contexts. Knowledge Organization 40 (5): 340–362.
Kleineberg, Michael (2014). Integrative levels of knowing: An organizing principle for the epistemological dimension. In Knowledge organization in the 21st century: Between historical patterns and future prospects. Proceedings of the 13th International ISKO Conference 2014, edited by Babik, Wiesław. Würzburg: Ergon, 80–87.
Kohlberg, Lawrence; Levine, Charles and Hewer, Alexandra (1983). Moral stages: A current formulation and a response to critics. Basel: Karger.
Minnameier, Gerhard (2005). Developmental progress in ancient Greek ethics. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 2 (1): 71–99.
Oesterdiekhoff, Georg W. (2014). Evolution of law and justice from ancient to modern times. Journal on European History of Law 1: 54–64.
Radding, Charles M. (1978). Evolution of medieval mentalities: A cognitive-structural approach. The American Historical Review 83 (3): 577–597.
Roetz, Heiner (1993). Confucian ethics of the axial age: A reconstruction under the aspect of the breakthrough towards postconventional thinking. New York: State University of New York Press.
Schluchter, Wolfgang (1981). The rise of Western rationalism: Max Weber’s developmental history. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.