Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto - OCS, IWSC 2019: International Wiki Scientific Conference

Tamanho Fonte: 
Medical Informatics across the ocean: a wiki-based approach for teaching and learning
Pedro Vieira Marques, Zilma SN Reis, Maria João Simões, Ricardo Cruz Correia

Última alteração: 2019-07-05


Evidence suggests that cooperative learning fosters students' ability to work with others and may lead to better cognitive outcomes and higher achievement. In this article, we describe a wiki-based teaching approach which promotes, within Portuguese speaking countries, student collaborative production of learning materials related to Medical Informatics. To this end, a MediaWiki platform (http://aprendis.gim.med.up.pt) was made available. The type of activities developed are described and a set of statistics from wiki activity is presented. The potential of this platform for student’s engagement is discussed revealing that this approach fosters collaborative learning and allows for continuous improvement of teaching materials.

Keywords: Wiki; Medical Informatics; Collaborative Learning.