Última alteração: 2023-08-10
The objective of this study is to explore the perceptions of Master's students in Medical Informatics regarding the use of ChatGPT as a learning tool in their educational context and provide guidance to professors for the effective incorporation of ChatGPT in the "Health Information Systems and Electronic Health Records" course.
Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as ChatGPT, into the educational landscape has the potential to significantly enhance the learning experience1,2. Specifically, in the field of Medical Informatics, the incorporation of ChatGPT into the curriculum of the "Health Information Systems and Electronic Health Records" course can provide valuable support to students in their educational journey.
The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) has offered comprehensive recommendations to shape curricula and set global standards for the educational content in biomedical and health informatics (BMHI)3. IMIA has outlined various domains of knowledge essential for teaching BMHI, including Computer Science, Data, and Information. This domain specifically focuses on equipping students with a deep understanding of the principles underpinning emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence.
By aligning with the IMIA recommendations, this study aims to contribute to the broader goals of advancing AI education in the BMHI context. The insights gained from this study will enable professors to make informed decisions about integrating ChatGPT into their teaching strategies, fostering effective and meaningful learning experiences for Master's students in Medical Informatics.
This study will employ a mixed-methods approach involving Master's students in Medical Informatics who are enrolled in the "Health Information Systems and Electronic Health Records" course. A structured questionnaire was designed and submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto.
The questionnaire, consisting of both closed-ended and open-ended questions, was distributed electronically to the identified participants. The closed-ended questions aimed to assess the familiarity of medical informatics students with ChatGPT, their perceived usefulness of the technology in medical informatics education, and their preferences for its application. The open-ended questions encouraged participants to provide detailed feedback and share specific examples of their experiences with ChatGPT. Participants were assured of the confidentiality and anonymity of their responses, and their participation was voluntary.
The data collected from the questionnaire will be analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques to summarize the quantitative responses. Thematic analysis will be employed to identify recurring themes and patterns in the qualitative responses, providing deeper insights into students' perceptions and suggestions.
The findings of this study will be interpreted and discussed in relation to the existing literature on the incorporation of AI in education and the specific context of Medical Informatics courses. The conclusions and guidance derived from the study will inform professors on how to effectively incorporate ChatGPT in their teaching and learning activities, enhancing the educational experience for Master's students in Medical Informatics.
1 Sallam, M. ChatGPT Utility in Healthcare Education, Research, and Practice: Systematic Review on the Promising Perspectives and Valid Concerns. Healthcare 2023, 11, 887. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11060887
2 Lin, Z. Why and how to embrace AI such as ChatGPT in your academic life. PsyArXiv 2023, Preprint.
3 Bichel-Findlay J, Koch S, Mantas J, Abdul SS, et al. Recomendations of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) on Education in Biomedical and Health Informatics: Second Revision. Int J Med Inform. 2023 Feb;170:104908. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.104908. Epub 2022 Oct 29. PMID: 36502741.